Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Damsel & Distress

A little piece of Evan, Evan Rachel Wood that is. My NEW favorite model. You may notice her Marilyn Monroe look. All these photos are unique in there own way. I love the theme of these photos. The clothing of choice by the designer is absolutely incredible... i mean its perfect for the idea. && i think that gun is real and loaded. The vintage look of the chair, telephone and attire do remind me of Marilyn Monroe and her time period.

Swimsuit and stockings by Agent Provocateur. Boots by Maison Martin Margiela. Ring by Tom Binns.
Corset and panties by Cadolle. Stockings by Agent Provocateur. Earrings by Tom Binns.

Corset and panties by Cadolle. Stocking by Agent Provocateur. Pumps by Alexander Wang.


  1. Cool i like she is pretty the gun do look real though....would never know

  2. Real shit nice blog im following www.jotwice.blogspot.com
